
It's simple. I really Love Food. I love to eat. And I have a passion for cooking that I seem to have been born with.

I grew up in a seriously food-orientated family in Sweden and my mother was a very good cook, inquisitive and instinctive.

As she used to tell me when I was trying to learn what she was doing, “Oh, it’s just a splash of this, a drop of that and a bit of something else.”

Truth be told though, I was born fiercely independent and rather learned by making mistakes than asking for advice. In my mind, I can still see the black flat pancake that came out of the oven the first time I attempted to bake bread - a rye bread to boot - and how my lovely, clever mother knew not to make a comment.

Food and a restless soul have ruled my life. I have roamed the world cooking and eating – forever trying to satisfy my big appetite.

The only way to take back control was to cook more, to make it my job, a job that I could travel with. No matter how hungry I am - and I am hungry a lot - cooking, funnily enough, stills my hunger somewhat.

Thankfully, for the sake of my weight, I’ve always been interested in healthy food – an interest that has increased when my metabolism has decreased.

While I do not count calories, my food is still light, healthy and more than anything else – bursting with flavour.

My aim with this website is to share my great love of light, flavoursome food with you, and my huge interest in the nutritional value of the ingredients I use. I want to show that it is possible to enjoy tasty food without piling on weight.

As a footnote I should say that even though my cooking somewhat keeps my hunger under control, my restless soul remains.

Margareta Wiklund

Tasty & Healthy Nuggets

“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.” Franz Kafka

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A Tasty & Easy Way to Healthy Eating

A Tasty & Easy Way to Healthy Eating

This ebook is filled with a combination of healthy ingredients, lots of flavour and a quick way from stove to plate. A combination to make it as easy and tasty as possible for you to have a healthy diet.