American-Style Blueberry Pancakes

American-Style Blueberry Pancakes.

These American-style blueberry pancakes make for an indulgent breakfast on a day off when I’ve got time on my hands and friends around me.

I once worked as the cook on a small cruise-boat up in Scotland. I served a different breakfast every morning on each six-day long cruise.

The galley on the boat was minuscule and you had to be really organised when there was a lot of things going out at the same time – like a full Scottish breakfast which I always got out of the way on the first morning.

Making pancakes was much easier to do in that galley.

Pancakes in any shape and form will never be enough for me personally as the only thing to eat for breakfast. On the boat we always served cereals, mueslis and porridge as well as fresh fruit and toast.

For me these blueberry pancakes are simply the cherry on top of a tasty and healthy breakfast.

Confession: When I was testing my recipe below – having tweaked it after a couple of earlier attempts – I was on my own and absolutely starving. I actually polished off the whole lot in one go.

This will make about 8 pancakes:

100g, 3½oz, 0.7 cup self-rising flour

½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

½ teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon caster (superfine) sugar

100g, 3½oz, ½ cup, ricotta or cottage cheese

2 eggs

75ml, 1/3 cup, milk

100g 3½oz, ½ cup, blueberries

olive oil and butter for frying

1. In a bowl, mix together the flour, bicarbonate of soda, salt and sugar. In a separate bowl, mix together the ricotta (or cottage cheese), eggs and milk. Add the egg, cheese and milk mixture to the flour mixture and, using a large spoon, stir together to make a batter. Add the blueberries.

2. Grease a small frying pan with half a teaspoon of butter and a little olive oil over a medium heat. Spoon a small ladle of batter into the pan and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side (use two spatulas to turn over), until each side is nicely browned and slightly puffed up. Repeat until you have used up all the batter.

I eat these blueberry pancakes as they are or with a mix of fresh berries. But, if you don’t mind the increase of calories, you can also serve them with some maple syrup.

Tasty & Healthy Nuggets

“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.” Franz Kafka

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