Chicken Cashew Nut Curry

Chicken Cashew Nut Curry

A delicious Indian-style chicken cashew nut curry with a sauce that is thickened with a cashew nut and coriander/cilantro paste. 

Cashew nuts are a good source of several minerals, including zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium and potassium, as well as vitamin C and B.

Like all nuts they also contain heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. While these types of fats are essential fats that our bodies need, it's still best to eat them in moderation if you are watching your weight.

A great low-calorie side dish to this curry would be super tasty cauliflower rice. Or do what I do - serve it with stir-fried (4 minutes) coarsely grated sweet potato and chopped broccolini/tenderstem broccoli. Or do both!

Note: The chicken needs to be marinated for at least 2 hours and the cashew nuts needs to soak in just boiled water for an hour.

Recipe For Chicken Cashew Nut Curry

For 4 people:

Marinade for the chicken:

4 tablespoons full-fat natural Greek-style yogurt

2 fat garlic cloves, crushed/minced

1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger

1 teaspoon ground turmeric

1 teaspoon chilli powder

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1/4 teaspoon salt

Mix together all the ingredients in a non-metallic bowl.

8 boneless and skinless chicken thighs

For the cashew nut and coriander/cilantro paste:

75g natural, un-salted cashew nuts 

100ml, 3 1/2fl oz, 1/2 cup just boiled water

large handful of coriander/cilantro, leaves and stalks

For the curry:

6 cardamom pods

5 cloves

1.5cm/1/2inch cinnamon stick

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1 red or yellow onion, chopped

1 teaspoon salt

100ml, 3 1/2fl oz, half a cup water

Add the chicken thighs to the marinade, mix well, cover the bowl and place in the fridge for at least 2 hours, or leave overnight.

Soak the cashew nuts in the just boiled water for an hour. After an hour, place the nuts, soaking water and coriander/cilantro into a food processor or blender and blitz until you have a smooth paste. Leave to the side.

Crack open the cardamom pods and add the seeds together with the cloves and cinnamon stick to a pestle and mortar and crush until you have a fine powder.

Add 1 tablespoon coconut oil to a large, wide pan over a medium high heat. Once the oil is hot add the chopped onion to the pan and keep stirring for 5 minutes. Add the spice mix and fry for a further 2 minutes.

Add the chicken thighs and all the marinade to the pan and keep turning the chicken pieces, to seal them, for about 5 minutes. Stir in 1 teaspoon salt and 100ml, 3 1/2fl oz water, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for 10 minutes.

Take off the lid, stir in the cashew and coriander paste and continue to cook for a further 5 minutes until the sauce has thickened somewhat. The chicken cashew nut curry is now ready. 

Tasty & Healthy Nuggets

“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.” Franz Kafka

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