Herb-Crusted Lamb Chops On A Bed Of Vegetables

Herb-crusted lamb chops

A tasty way to cook  lamb chops - herb-crusted lamb chops on a bed of roasted and steamed vegetables.

There is of course some fat in the meat. I choose to cook the herb-crusted lamb chops in the oven – which requires no extra fat as I place the chops on baking parchment. It is a healthier way to cook the meat.

The herb crust is divine and is equally great to use on firm white fish as well.

I serve the lamb with lots of vegetables. I’m not going to deny that it can be expensive to buy organic food but when it comes to vegetables, I choose to buy organic varieties as often as possible.

For this dish, I oven-roast the carrots and the red peppers (bell pepper) – and I prefer the pointed varieties of peppers that tend to taste SO much better – steam the beans and broccoli and boil the peas very quickly. (I add frozen peas to boiling water and as soon as the water comes back to boiling, I drain the peas in a sieve.)

Once cooked, I toss the green vegetables in a bit of lemon juice, olive oil, some shredded fresh mint leaves and a bit of salt and pepper. I then crumble some really nice feta cheese (made of sheep’s and goat’s milk – NOT cow’s milk) over all the vegetables. Super-Yum!

For 4 people:

For the herb crust:

1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves

A handful of fresh rosemary leaves

A handful of parsley

A handful of fresh mint leaves

3 tablespoons breadcrumbs – I make mine from sourdough bread

2 level tablespoons pine nuts

4 anchovy fillets (I buy anchovy fillets in olive oil)

2 tablespoons olive oil

¼ teaspoon black pepper

3-4 lamb chops per person

olive oil

4 large carrots, peeled and cut into batons

2 red peppers (bell peppers), deseeded and cut into chunks

1 small head of broccoli, cut into small florets, stem sliced

250g, 9oz, 1¼ cup green beans

250g, 9oz, 1¾ cup, peas, fresh or frozen

1 tablespoon lemon juice

½ tablespoon olive oil

Small handful of fresh mint leaves, shredded

Salt and pepper

Feta cheese (get a nice one - made with sheep’s and goat’s milk – it makes all the difference)

1.    Pre-heat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/400F/gas mark 6. Place the carrot batons in a roasting tin, drizzle over a bit of olive oil and toss together. Season with a bit of salt and place the carrots in the oven. The carrots will need about 35 minutes of roasting – give them a stir half-way through and add the peppers (bell peppers) at the same time, coating them in the oil as well.

2.    Place all the ingredients for the herb crust in a small food processor and blend together. Place the lamb chops on a baking tray covered with baking parchment. Divide the herb crust over the lamb chops. Cooking time in the oven depends on the thickness of the chops but around 15-18 minutes (I like mine to be pink). Once cooked to your liking – cover the herb-crusted lamb chops and leave them to rest for 5 minutes before serving.

3.    Boil or steam the beans, broccoli and peas. Once drained, put them back into the pan and toss with the lemon juice, olive oil, shredded mint leaves and a bit of salt and pepper.

I mix all of the vegetables on a large serving plate and add crumbled feta cheese on top of the vegetables, followed by the lamb chops. 

Tasty & Healthy Nuggets

“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.” Franz Kafka

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