Mexican Chicken And Guacamole With Tomato Salsa

Mexican Chicken And Guacamole With Tomato Salsa On Sourdough Bread

Food doesn't have to be complicated and yet taste fantastic.

This light and mega-tasty Mexican chicken and guacamole dish is quick and easy to make. There’s a bit of chopping to do but very little cooking involved.

It’s a perfect dish to make when you want to eat flavoursome healthy food but haven’t got the time, or energy, to do some complicated cooking.

I serve the Mexican chicken and guacamole with tomato salsa on a bed of rocket leaves, spinach and watercress which sits on top of toasted sourdough bread. You can skip the bread altogether if you want an even lighter meal. And vegetarians can use slices of halloumi cheese instead of chicken, using the same marinade for the cheese.

For 4 people:


1 teaspoon smoked paprika (or use ordinary paprika if you can’t get hold of the smoked variety)

½ -1 teaspoon dried chilli flakes (depending how spicy you like it to be)

2 garlic cloves, crushed

2 tablespoons olive oil

Salt and pepper

3-4 skinless organic or free-range chicken breasts


2 ripe avocados

Juice of 1 lime

½ small red onion, peeled and finely chopped

1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped

1 small handful of fresh coriander - leaves only – chopped

Salt and pepper

For the tomato salsa:

250g, 6oz, 1½ cup, ripe small tomatoes, quartered

2 spring onions (scallions), chopped  

1 small handful of fresh coriander - leaves only – chopped

1 small handful of mint leaves, chopped

Juice of 1 lime

A good pinch of salt

Rocket leaves/watercress/baby spinach

4 large slices of sourdough bread

1.    In a bowl, mix together the ingredients for the marinade. Cut the chicken breasts into thin slices and add these to the bowl. Mix thoroughly and leave to the side.

2.    Halve, peel and de-stone the avocados. Place the avocados in a bowl and roughly mash them up with a fork. Add the lime juice, chopped red onion, chilli and coriander, season with salt and pepper and mix together.

3.    For the tomato salsa, place all the ingredients in another bowl and mix together.

4.    Fry the chicken slices in batches over quite a high heat until nicely browned and cooked through – I find that by using a non-stick frying pan I don’t need to add any more oil than what is in the marinade.

Toast the sourdough bread and divide between four plates. Top each piece of bread with rocket leaves and if you have any, also watercress and/or baby spinach. Then divide the tomato salsa, guacamole and chicken over each piece of bread.

Tasty & Healthy Nuggets

“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.” Franz Kafka

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A Tasty & Easy Way to Healthy Eating

A Tasty & Easy Way to Healthy Eating

This ebook is filled with a combination of healthy ingredients, lots of flavour and a quick way from stove to plate. A combination to make it as easy and tasty as possible for you to have a healthy diet.