Olive And Pepper Dip - Tapenade

Olive And Pepper Dip

I don't like olives on their own but I can't get enough of this super delicious olive and pepper dip- my version of tapenade.

It's easy to make, really healthy and you can use it in so many ways.

  • Add a dollop to a salad
  • Top oat biscuits or bread with a spoonful
  • For a more substantial meal, stir it through pasta
  • Add a dollop to roasted vegetables
  • Eat it with oven-roasted salmon or chicken.

I eat a very late breakfast -  whether at work or at home – and a favourite is toasted sourdough rye bread topped with hummus, this olive and pepper dip, avocado and sometimes a poached egg as well. It is So Tasty!

I am forever trying to add vegetables from the very nutritious cruciferous family - such as kale, broccoli/broccolini, rocket/arugula and watercress - to my food. The term super food is perhaps somewhat overused but these vegetables really are super nutritious - rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre.

In the dip in the photo above I have added kale and parsley. 

The best way to preserve the nutrients in any vegetable is to eat them raw, or second best lightly cooked. I always have curly kale and broccolini (tenderstem broccoli) at home.

The other ingredients in this olive and pepper dip are also highly nutritious.

Olives are a good source of vitamin E, and other important antioxidants, and healthy monounsaturated fats.

Red peppers are low in calories (it’s a low-GL carbohydrate) and a very good source of vitamin A and C.

Walnuts and almonds are like all nuts a very good source of essential fats, vitamins and minerals (such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron).

Nutritional yeast flakes are an incredibly good source of different B-vitamins (which are vital for our body's energy production) and fibre. It is also a complete protein, it contains all nine essential amino acids. Nutritional yeast has a cheesy taste and can be found in health food shops and well-stocked supermarkets.

Parsley is a rich source of vitamins A, C and K, and also contains the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

All the different types of fat in this olive and pepper dip are of the healthy and essential variety - the kind of fats your body need (see Essential Fats). 

For the dip:

100g, 3 1/2oz, pitted olives (any colour)

1 large red pepper (bell pepper), de-seeded and roughly chopped

50g, 1 3/4oz, mix of almonds and walnuts

1 heaped tablespoon nutritional yeast

a large handful of green vegetables - like parsley, kale or rocket/arugula leaves

2 tablespoons Extra virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

Place all the ingredients in a food processor and pulse for about 15-20 seconds. This dip will keep for several days in a covered container in the fridge.

Tasty & Healthy Nuggets

“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.” Franz Kafka

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A Tasty & Easy Way to Healthy Eating

A Tasty & Easy Way to Healthy Eating

This ebook is filled with a combination of healthy ingredients, lots of flavour and a quick way from stove to plate. A combination to make it as easy and tasty as possible for you to have a healthy diet.