Spinach Tomato Ricotta Bake

Spinach Tomato Ricotta Bake

I will happily eat this spinach tomato ricotta bake both warm and cold. You can serve it, together with a mixed salad, as a light lunch or supper – or take it with you on a picnic.

It is also perfect for taking with you for lunch as it is so delicious cold. Together with a nice piece of bread (sourdough if you can get hold of it) and a side salad it will make for both a healthy and filling take-away lunch.

I am using ricotta cheese and a mixture of Parmesan and feta cheese in the mixture for the bake. You can swap the ricotta for cottage cheese - I would use a full-fat variety in such case - and use solely Parmesan or feta cheese instead of a mixture of the two.

I know I keep going on about this but, do buy nice fragrant tomatoes rather than cheap, bleak tasteless ones – it makes such a difference to whatever dish you are using them for. And, to be really picky, tomatoes should NOT be stored in the fridge as this will do no favours to the flavour of the tomatoes.

When it comes to feta cheese, I only use the ones made with goat and sheep milk. Parmesan cheese on the other hand is expensive and when using it in food, I sometimes buy the somewhat less expensive but still very tasty Grana Padano cheese.

Spinach tomato ricotta bake:

200g, 7oz, fresh spinach

250g, 9oz, ricotta cheese (or use cottage cheese)

4 eggs – organic or free-range

75g, 2 ¼oz, ¾ cup, mixture of grated Parmesan cheese and crumbled feta cheese

3 spring onions (scallions) chopped

Salt and pepper

200g, 7oz, ripe tomatoes (like cherry or plum tomatoes), halved

1.    Pre-heat the oven to 220C/fan 200/425F/gas mark 7.

2.    Start by putting the fresh spinach in a colander and slowly pour over a kettle of boiled water to wilt the spinach. Rinse with a lot of cold water immediately afterwards. When the spinach is cold, squeeze out as much water as possible with your hands. Finely chop the spinach and leave to the side.

3.    Crack the eggs into a bowl and add the ricotta, Parmesan and feta cheese.  Season with salt and pepper and mix together. Stir in the chopped spinach and spring onions (scallions) to the mixture.

4.    Pour the mixture into a lightly buttered baking dish and lay the tomato halves on top. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes – until set and golden.


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