Sweet Potato Halloumi Stacks With Guacamole

Sweet Potato Halloumi Stacks With Guacamole

You don’t need to be a vegetarian to love these sweet potato halloumi stacks with guacamole. They are delicious!

You can do the sweet potato and the halloumi on the barbeque if you’ve got one going. But it is equally easy to do it in the kitchen.

I cut the sweet potatoes into 2.5cm, 1in, thick disks. If you are going to pop them on a barbeque you need to pre-boil these discs for about 10 minutes – or until they are nearly done. Dry them off on kitchen towel before brushing them with some olive oil and finish them off on the barbeque.

I cook the sweet potato in the oven and quickly fry the halloumi cheese when everything else is ready - just before I am ready to serve.

For the halloumi cheese, you can either do the quick version and simply brush the cheese slices with a bit of olive oil before grilling or frying. Or you can take this dish to an even higher level and marinate the slices with grated ginger, crushed garlic, lemon zest and oil before grilling.

Serve these sweet potato halloumi stacks with a big salad.

For 4 people:

2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 2.5cm, 1in thick discs

Olive oil

Halloumi cheese, cut into finger-thick slices (you want as many slices as you have sweet potato discs)

If you are going to marinate the cheese:

1 heaped teaspoon finely grated fresh ginger

1 garlic clove, crushed

Grated zest of 1 un-waxed lemon

2 tablespoons olive oil 

For the guacamole:

2 avocados

1 small red onion, finely chopped

1-2 red chillies (depending on how hot you like it) – deseeded and finely chopped

Juice of 1 lime

12 ripe small tomatoes, quartered

A good pinch of salt and pepper

1.    Pre-heat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/400F/gas mark 6 (to barbeque the sweet potato, see above). If you are marinating the halloumi cheese, mix together all the ingredients for the marinade, pour this mixture over the cheese slices, cover and leave to the side.

2.    Cover a baking tray with baking parchment. Toss the sweet potato discs in some olive oil and spread them out on the baking tray. Place the tray in the oven and cook for about 25 – 30 minutes – until they are cooked through.

3.    While the sweet potato is cooking, make the guacamole. Peel, de-stone and cut the avocados into cubes. Place the avocado cubes and all the other ingredients for the guacamole in a bowl and carefully mix it all together.

4.    Once the sweet potato is ready, place a large frying pan over a medium high heat and fry the cheese slices for about 30 seconds before turning them over and frying for a further 30 seconds. It’s enough to brush the cheese with some olive oil if you have not marinated the halloumi slices.

5.    Divide the sweet potato discs between four plates and top each disc with a cheese slice and a dollop of guacamole. Serve immediately together with a salad.


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