Asparagus Salad With Poached Eggs

Asparagus salad with poached eggs.

This is a recipe for a delicious and super-healthy asparagus salad with poached eggs.

Asparagus is a nutritional powerhouse. It is a good source of vitamin C (particularly green asparagus), folic acid and potassium. It is also high in antioxidants, packed with fibre and protein and contains anti-cancer properties.

Green beans are rich in silica - silica is important for keeping bones strong – and also contain folic acid and vitamin C.

I use watercress, rocket/arugula and baby spinach in a lot of my salads. Both are incredibly nutritious.

It is easy to think that all types of lettuce leaves are really nutritious, but this is not the case. Iceberg lettuce contains 96% water and ranks the lowest in nutritional value. Dark green lettuce leaves are the most nutritious and kale, romaine and red leaf lettuce, followed by rocket (arugula) are also good choices.

I top this asparagus salad with poached eggs to make it more of a meal – and I and my big appetite will have two eggs, thank you very much!

I eat it with sourdough bread topped with avocado and red pepper (bell pepper), or sourdough bread with tomatoes and garlic. And eaten like this, it becomes a light, mega-healthy and utterly tasty meal!
Asparagus salad or 4 people:

200g, 7oz, slightly less than a cup, asparagus, cut off and discard the woody ends (if the stalks are quite thick, cut in half)

200g, 7oz, slightly less than a cup, fine green beans

100g, 3½ oz, 3½ cups, spinach

100g, 3½oz, 3 cups, dark green leaves - watercress/arugula/kale

Small handful of mint leaves, shredded

Grated zest of 1 unwaxed lemon

Shavings of Parmesan (use a vegetable peeler), or crumbled feta cheese

1-2 eggs per person – poached, or boiled (add the eggs to a pan of simmering water and boil for 5½ minutes, then rinse under cold water to stop them for cooking any further)

For the dressing:

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

A pinch of salt and black pepper

1 tablespoon red or white wine vinegar

3 tablespoons Extra virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon water


1.    Put a pan with some salted water on to boil for the asparagus and beans, and another one - without the salt - for the eggs. Make the dressing by placing the mustard, pinch of salt and pepper and the vinegar in a bowl. Whisk the ingredients together and keep on whisking while slowly adding the olive oil. Add the water and whisk again.

2.    For the asparagus salad, place the asparagus and beans in the pan with simmering salted water and simmer for 4-5 minutes (depending on how al-dente you like your vegetables). Drain in a sieve.

3.    While the vegetables are cooking, poach or boil the eggs. Divide the spinach and whatever other leaves you are using between 4 plates. Scatter some shredded mint leaves over each plate. Divide the asparagus and beans between the plates and top with poached or boiled, peeled and halved eggs.

4.    Add the lemon zest to the mustard dressing and sprinkle some dressing over each plate, followed by either Parmesan shavings or crumbled feta cheese.

Tasty & Healthy Nuggets

“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.” Franz Kafka

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