Sourdough Bread With Tomatoes And Garlic

Sourdough bread with tomatoes

The inspiration for this sourdough bread with tomatoes comes from breakfasts I ate when walking up through the interior of Spain (see Oven-roasted tomato sauce/soup).

In the region of Andalucía the cafés served toasted bread to which you added freshly grated tomatoes, olive oil and some salt. So simple and so delicious!

I add chopped parsley and crushed garlic to my grated tomatoes - along with some olive oil, salt and pepper - then put the mixture on top of toasted sourdough/other good bread and pop it under the grill.

This sourdough bread with tomatoes is utterly moreish and perfect to eat with soup and/or a salad.

And I know that I go on about this on other pages of my website, but do try to get hold of some properly baked bread. Almost all bread sold in the supermarkets is made with factory-produced flour from which most of the nutrients have been removed and a lot of additives have been added.

For 4 people:

3 large ripe tomatoes

1 garlic clove, crushed

2 tablespoons chopped parsley

2 tablespoons olive oil

Salt and pepper

4 large slices of sourdough or other really good bread

1. Turn on the grill of your oven. Cut the tomatoes in half. Using the coarse side of a grater, grate the inside of each tomato half over a bowl, discarding the skin.

2. Mix together the grated tomato, chopped parsley, crushed garlic, olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

3. Place the bread slices on a baking tray and toast under the grill, turning each slice over and making sure they don’t burn. Take out the bread from the oven and divide the tomato mixture on top of the bread slices. Place the baking tray under the grill once more for about 1 minute, until the tomato mixture is properly hot but not burnt.

Another Tomato Bread Topping

In my recipe for Warm Chicken Salad I give an example of how to make another tomato bread topping.

I use ripe, small tomatoes and cut them in half. I then fry them for a couple of minutes in a little bit of olive oil, add a good splash of balsamic vinegar and some salt and pepper and fry it all for a further couple of minutes.

I serve it on toasted sourdough bread with some shredded basil leaves and Parmesan cheese shavings (use a potato peeler to make these shavings) on top. This goes really well with a nice bowl of soup.

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