Roasted Carrot Chickpea Hummus (Houmous)

Roasted Carrot Chickpea Hummus

This roasted carrot chickpea hummus is always popular when I serve it on a buffet and a lot of people ask me for the recipe.

I love hummus – on oatcakes or toasted sourdough bread (see Breakfast Bread Toppings), with a salad and on the side of many a quinoa dish.

Carrots are actually healthier when cooked. Cooked carrots release more beta carotene than raw. Tomatoes are also healthier when cooked as processing or cooking makes the health-boasting lycopene in tomatoes more easily absorbed.

I am adding whole garlic cloves to the roasting tin, with their skin left on though. The garlic becomes really sweet when oven-roasted like this. You just open up the skin and squeeze out the garlic once roasted.

Chickpeas, like all other pulses, are low in fat and saturates whilst being packed with both insoluble and soluble fibre, protein and a variety of minerals.

A daily portion of pulses provides good amounts of both protein and fibre, and these two nutrients prevent food to leave the stomach too quickly, helping us to feel fuller for longer.

Roasted carrot chickpea hummus:

2 large carrots – cut into batons

3 whole, large garlic cloves, with the skin left on

3 tablespoons olive oil

2 heaped teaspoons ground cumin

½ teaspoon ground paprika

Salt and pepper

400g, 14oz, 2½ cups, cooked chickpeas

1 tablespoon lemon juice

2 tablespoons tahini


Cayenne pepper (optional)

1.    Pre-heat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/400F/gas mark 6. Place the carrot batons and garlic cloves in a roasting tin. Add the olive oil, ground cumin, paprika and season with some salt and pepper - mix well.

2.    Place the tin in the oven and cook for around 30 minutes – tossing the vegetables half-way through.

3.    Add the chickpeas to the tin and mix well. Return the roasting tin to the oven for a further 5 minutes.

4.    Let the vegetables cool down. Squeeze out the garlic from their skins and place everything in the roasting tin, the lemon juice and the tahini in a food processor. With the motor running, add 4 tablespoons of water to start with. If you find that it still too thick, add some more water.

5.    Once it is smooth enough, check the seasoning - you might even want to add some more cumin (I am a huge cumin fan myself).

For a roasted carrot chickpea hummus with more of a kick – sprinkle over some cayenne pepper before serving. 

Hummus is great to have as a snack if you are watching your weight. Eat it on some oatcakes, or with some raw vegetable sticks –  like carrots, cucumber or celery.

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