Salmon Sweet Potato And Chilli Fishcakes

Salmon Sweet Potato Fishcakes

Fishcakes with a twist - exotic salmon sweet potato and chilli fishcakes which are super scrumptious. They are easy to prepare beforehand and can then be finished off just before you are ready to eat.

In most of my jobs as a cook, I am forever short of time and always looking for ways to get things done quicker – and never more so than when I was cooking lunch for 25-30 people at an office in London.

My aim was to serve them healthy food full of flavour; food that would keep them going when lunch was over. The lack of time to do it all in often resulted in healthier cooking methods, as with these salmon sweet potato and chilli fishcakes.

Instead of coating each fishcake with flour, eggs and breadcrumbs and then frying them in vegetable oil, I put the fishcakes on baking trays lined with baking parchment, scattered some breadcrumbs over the fishcakes and then cooked them en masse in the oven. I leave it up to you to choose what method you want to use.

Salmon sweet potato and chilli fishcakes for 4 people:

400g, 14oz, salmon

500g, 1lb 2oz, sweet potato, peeled and cut into chunks

½ red onion, peeled and finely chopped

3 spring onions (scallions), trimmed and finely chopped

1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped

¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

large handful of fresh coriander (cilantro), leaves and stalks finely chopped

Salt and pepper


A little plain flour

2 eggs

200g, 7oz, 4 cups, fresh breadcrumbs

To serve:

Lime wedges

Sweet chilli sauce

1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/gas mark 6. Line a baking tray with baking parchment and arrange the salmon on top. Bake in the preheated oven for approximately 10 -12 minutes (it’s OK if the fish is still a little bit rare in the middle). Set aside and cool.

2. Boil or steam the sweet potato chunks for around 20 minutes, until tender. Drain the sweet potatoes, transfer to a bowl and mash with a fork. Leave to cool.

3. Once the sweet potato is cold, flake the salmon and mix it into the sweet potato together with the chopped red onion, spring onion, chilli and coriander. Add the freshly grated nutmeg and season with salt and pepper. Taste the mixture to check the seasoning and then form the mixture into 4 patties. If you choose to cook the fishcakes in the oven - place them on a baking tray lined with baking parchment, cover with cling film and chill in the fridge until you are ready to cook them.

4. If you are going to coat them, then lightly beat the eggs in a shallow bowl. Put a little bit of plain flour on a plate and the breadcrumbs on another plate. Dip each fishcake in the flour, shake off any excess and then dip them in the eggs and finally roll them in the breadcrumbs. Cover and chill in the fridge until you are ready to cook them.

5. For the oven-cooked fishcakes, heat the oven to 220C/Fan 200C/425F/gas mark 7 and once the oven is hot, scatter some breadcrumbs over the fish cakes and place the baking tray with the fishcakes in the middle of the oven. Cook for approximately 10-15 minutes, until the fishcakes are piping hot and are starting to brown.

6. If frying - heat 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a large, deep-sided frying pan over a moderate heat and fry the fishcakes for about 5 minutes on each side until golden.

Apart from the lime wedges and the sweet chilli sauce, I like to serve these salmon sweet potato and chilli fish cakes with oven-baked tomatoes and steamed sugar snaps and broccoli.

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“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.” Franz Kafka

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A Tasty & Easy Way to Healthy Eating

A Tasty & Easy Way to Healthy Eating

This ebook is filled with a combination of healthy ingredients, lots of flavour and a quick way from stove to plate. A combination to make it as easy and tasty as possible for you to have a healthy diet. 

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