Thai-Style Chicken Soup

Thai-Style Chicken Soup

Even though my Thai-style chicken soup may not be as light as my Asian-Style Salmon Soup - this one has coconut milk in it - it’s still as gloriously fresh tasting.

This is Thai food. There is chilli involved. I don’t overdo the amount of chilli that I add to my food as I do not want it to be the only thing you can taste.

Asian-style food contains so many wonderful spices and ingredients and I want to experience the taste of all of them in my mouth.

And then there is coconut milk, which is not the big bad wolf after all. It is first of all really nutritious (see Nutritional Information). It does contain saturated fat but coconut is rich in medium-chain fatty acids which the body processes differently than other saturated fats. These medium-chain fatty acids promote weight maintenance without raising cholesterol levels (Wikipedia).

I have decided to stop using “light” versions of food as they often have added sugar, salt and additives that are simply not good for you.

It's a bit pointless - isn't it - to replace what is taken away with something far worse!

As a lot of nutritionists will tell you, it’s better to eat smaller portions of full-fat food.

For 4 people:

600ml, 20floz, just over 2½ cup, chicken stock

A thumb-size piece of fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped

2 red chillies, deseeded and finely chopped

2 lemongrass stalks - cut off the thin top, leaving you with the thicker “bulb” at the bottom, discard tough outer layer and cut off the root, cut the “bulb” in half and slice very finely

Two handfuls of fresh coriander, stalks and leaves separated, stalks finely chopped

1 tablespoon tomato puree

Zest and juice of 1 lime

1 teaspoon runny honey

3 tablespoons fish sauce

3 chicken breast, thinly sliced

400ml, 13½floz, 1¾ cups, coconut milk

1.    Place the stock, ginger, chilli, lemon grass, chopped coriander stalks (save the leaves for garnish), tomato puree, lime zest, honey and fish sauce in a pot. Bring to a boil.

2.    Add the thinly sliced chicken breast to the pot, reduce the heat and simmer for a couple of minutes. Add the coconut milk and simmer for a further five minutes.

3.    Add the lime juice to the soup and garnish each portion with coriander leaves.

Tasty & Healthy Nuggets

“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.” Franz Kafka

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